Happy Anniversary to Tanowitz Law

When I think back twenty years ago, I had a three month old and a three year old and a desire not to return to my firm after maternity leave.  So, I decided to do it on my own terms and started Tanowitz Law.  In hindsight, returning to my old job probably would have been simpler.  I would have collected my paycheck and not have had to worry about getting clients, marketing, and practicing law (not to mention being a mom and a wife).  But, it would likely not have been nearly as rewarding.  When I started in 2002, I had not heard of International Woman’s Day.  It is apt, as a female business owner though, that I started the firm on March 8.  Over the years, it has been a pleasure to speak to other lawyers who were thinking about starting their own law firm or other business and empower them to take the chance that I took.

Had it not been for COVID, we likely would have had some sort of celebration to mark this milestone.  Over the years, I have met and worked with many lawyer who have become friends.  I’ve been blessed with great employees who cared deeply about their job and our clients and am grateful I got to know them.  I’ll also take a moment to think about the hundreds of clients we’ve helped over the past two decades, and the many more who called the office as a potential client that we were able to point in the right direction with a simple conversation.

I decided to become a lawyer because I wanted to help people.  Sometimes, I get caught up in the paper shuffling and forget that fact. Then, every once in awhile, a case comes to us and I am reminded of what I can do for someone who needs an attorney.  Just last week, I helped a tenant who received a notice to quit, the first step in the eviction process.  The case has a few angles to it, but a quick look at her paperwork and I discovered that the notice was defective.  Additionally, the landlord had made some other missteps that made his case untenable.  I drafted a motion to dismiss which lead to a dismissal of the eviction case.  Her case is not done, but I’ll be there for the next chapter in her housing issues.

These days more than ever, we can all appreciate that you just don’t know what the future looks like.  Tanowitz Law plans to be here helping clients wind their way through the legal system to achieve the result they want.